Introduction to navigation: This is a two day course which is designed to introduce the novice to the art of navigation.
What we cover: The course covers everything from orientating the map to taking a bearing and judging distance. The course will be run at a pace that suits you. This course will help you gain confidence to explore the great outdoors.
Experience: No experience is needed.
Navigation: This two day course will help you develop and become a confident and capable navigator even in poor weather.
What we cover: This course will cover navigation in more detail helping to raise your navigation level. Pacing, timings and bearings will be covered as well as micro navigation practice.
Experience: Basic navigation skills.
Night navigation: This is an evening course which will help give you confidence navigating in any condition.
What we cover: This course will help refine your navigation by taking you into the wilderness at night and helping to bring all of your skills together. We will spend time on micro navigation as well as time, speed and distance.
Experience: Basic navigation skills.
Winter navigation: This course runs over 2 days and will help give confidence in the winter environment.
What we cover: This course is designed to help you to navigate with confidence in winter conditions. We will look at pacing in winter, timings and measuring distance. The course will cover safe travel skills and organising/planning a day on the mountain and how the weather can affect your route choice.
Experience:Basic winter skills.THIS COURSE RUNS ON REQUEST.
Contact: 07791 545934